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Firmenprofil : PATRIZIA Children Foundation zurück

Name : PATRIZIA Children Foundation
Straße : Fuggerstraße 26
Plz, Ort : 86150 Augsburg
Weitere Jobs in Augsburg
Telefon : +49 821 50910-303
Homepage :
Standorte : Augsburg
Umsatz : nicht bekannt
Mitarbeiteranzahl : nicht bekannt
Ausbildungsbetrieb : nicht bekannt
Social Media Links :
Über das Unternehmen : Since its creation in 1999, the PATRIZIA Children Foundation (PCF) has worked continuously towards the goal of helping as many children and adolescents as possible. PATRIZIA Children Centers provide them with a safe place to live, study, and play. The Centers are also a haven where they can receive medical, social, or educational help. What was started in 1999 by Wolfgang Egger, CEO of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG, as a small volunteer project has now grown into a global organization. In this, the 20th year since its founding, PCF is planning its twentieth PATRIZIA Children Center. The foundation is now active in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America. In the past year alone, the PATRIZIA Children Foundation has helped 20,000 children, with the underlying idea of helping people to help themselves. One hundred per cent of each donated euro goes directly into the projects.
Datenpflege : Sind Sie Mitarbeiter oder Inhaber/Geschäftsführer von PATRIZIA Children Foundation, dann fordern Sie die Zugangsdaten zur Stammdatenpflege an um dieses Firmenprofil umfangreich zu ergänzen mit Beschreibungen, Links, Fotos, Downloads u.v.m.
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Fotos von PATRIZIA Children Foundation